Monday, January 27, 2020

Influence of Asias Economy on Australia

Influence of Asias Economy on Australia People call 21st century an Asian Century because of Asia’s rise, which leads to a huge change in global power and opulence to Asia or more precisely, move to Asia after peculiar centuries. The inferences for Australians and Australia are intensive, and also they will effect on every part of both external and domestic policy. It is considered to be perilous to extrapolate from the trends that are current. But comparative growth rates of economic, investment and trade patterns, defense capacities, population futures, and impact in worldwide decision making platforms all are directing towards one direction. Julia Gillard, the former Prime Minister of Australia implied the economic numbers last September while declaring the White Paper commissioning on Australia in the Asian Century, are humbly spectacular. Advancement done by Japan and after that by Asian Tigers i.e. Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong, or by Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia recently, have been laid in the dark by the vivid performance of India and China. In the last twenty years, these two giant countries have already gained the 40% of the world’s population and also they have enhanced their economic size nine times, while China doubles its economy after every eight years and India after eleven years. They both together have grown their economy in the last two decades and capture almost the fifth part out of tenth of the world’s economy, and further after two decades it can be seen that they will project their economy from fifth to third. China now is the second largest economy of the world and now on its way to become the first in the coming twenty years, or even may be earlier. At the same time, India is trying to exceed the US economy by the mid-century if they are successful in acquiring the power terms. If we talk about per capita term then neither India nor China will be rich enough because of the fact of their tension and internal problem. However, it cannot change the simple truth of a big wealth shift. The growth of economic has been followed by prominent escalations in the military expenses by both India and China, this is 2010 news, after US the China is ranked in second number while India at ninth after France, UK, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Russia. In this modern age, one cannot think about the war between the world’s main powers, power is all about the political influence or its about perception, or it can be defined in terms of military capability, and it can be seen from this context that India and China are making absolute progress in this military weight. The white paper will focus devastatingly on domestic policy settings that how we should gear or take maximum benefit of the great opportunities, especially economic opportunities, from management of macroeconomic, to trade, innovation or industry, training and education, infrastructure, immigration, business regulation, arts and the environment. This paper will mainly focus on the main challenges for Australian foreign policy. In the Asian Century, there are many challenges that are posed for Australia. First is to abstain from the zero sum game option in the terms with US and China; second to maintain a healthy relations with India; third to establish a good relationship with Indonesia; fourth to take part in the establishment of security cooperation and regional economic mechanisms in which Australia is seen as the effective and relevant player. In considering not only the extent but also the nature of foreign policy challenges, also having the capability to perform something in favor of them, it could be profitable to say somewhat in more general manner about the national interest of Australian and the weaknesses and strengths. To every other country the foreign policy primary role is to advance and protect the national interests, and it can be defined firstly by security interest at one hand and on the other hand it can be trade and economic interests; there is nothing more important for any country to guard the country form attack or threat or to enhance the quality of living and income of its people. This idea is based on the fact that there are many problems in the modern world that oblige not just bilateral or unilateral but supportive multilateral act to solve the problem. It can be terrorism, piracy to climate change, mass massacre crimes, from health plagues to unstructured population streams; this is what has been said by Kofi Annan â€Å"Problems without passports†, or international problems or worldwide public problems. Each problem is beyond the capacity of any state to solve, however huge and powerful it is. The ability of any country to follow national interests, in all the dimensions that have been explained above, is its strength promotional by the weakness. Being Self-evident are the Australian strength limits: it will not or will never become the superpower. It is best at middle power, never expected to have military, political or economic influence to force our will on others, and finally dependent on the capacity to admire. But if the Australia plays at middle level diplomacy with the like countries of same characteristics it is possible to generate a healthy relation with the other countries and thus creating a good return in any field. Australia on the other hand is the 12th largest economy, and by landmass it comes at sixth and in maritime zone it comes in third place; it is multicultural country of the world; it shows inimitable viewpoint linking Asia Pacific geography and European history. Individual and peacekeepers of Australia while working in worldwide establishments, both nongovernmental and official, have greatly an exceptional reputation; also as a security alliance with US, we also obey or show strong commitments globally and regionally. The ties between China and US are sound at the moment, enduring some acute connections in 2010 on amount of challenging deeds by China against territorial issues on water over the China Sea towards south, and recently the tension that has been created by the support of US to Chen Guangchen. But still many thinks about this issue that how US will react on the China’s acceleration of Economic Growth. One of the most dangerous or discussed issue of all times in the region is the ill use of nuclear weapons, Washington on the other hand is fully convinced with the performance of Beijing to compel North Korea. In practice by working all the way, and its entailments for how long can we manage our defense carriage and future expenses, in such a way that provides us more comfortable independent security against different ugly possibilities without indulging in such a tension? Australia on the other hand is not interested any more on China’s investment and trade and it can be seen that the relationship is ended with tears, and also with the passage of time Australia has sad that they are not keen in assembling anything from China creating the Cold War strategy. Australia has shown its keens interest in developing a healthy ties with US or South East Asian neighbors. The importance or upswing of India is as important as China, but policymakers have not noticed that. Trade capacities between West and South Asia and East Asia particularly now far offset those over the pacific and they are increasing vividly. China’s growth has been fueled by Gulf oil, and also between the two giants a bilateral trade. There is nothing especial that can alarm Australia, and many among these are happy with this development. Importance of South East Asia in the geographic hub is important due to the fact that it links the South West and North West, same is the case with Australia it also plays a significant role in this action. Australians are now recognizing the importance of Indian economic potential is almost same as that of China. For Australian, India has become a very big market for the natural resources such as gold, coal and copper in general and also the educational services. It can be said that India is the fourth biggest market for export destination of services and goods after Japan, Korea and China and now have the caliber to become the second. In terms of diplomatic, the relations with India are amiable though they are narrow during the Cold War due to some strategies, or due to personality conflict between the PM Menzies and Nehru also they have worked together on different general issues from decades. Australia has a strong tie with India on security issues, too. Indians have strong relation with Australians and consider Australia a perfect place for excursion. But the relation between India and Australia is not as healthy as it should be. There have been seen some episodic disturbance from Indian side. The good place to start with is with the economic relationship, if the bilateral investment and trade ties are to take at some level then there is a need to be an integration of economic with the help of trade agreement which Australia is discussing with the three great partners Japan, Korea and China and it launched an agreement with India. One of the main concerns of the Australian Public policy is that why still Indonesia has not gained the level of understanding and attentions from the leaders than other Asian countries have gained, though it deserves. Mostly people forget about the importance of Indonesia as it comes in number four in the world in area, and it is also the largest Islamic country and the most effective and potential player in ASEAN. The Indonesia in progressing day by day and this cannot be denied that its economy is increasing incredibly and it plays a significant and thoughtful role in both global and regional affairs. There are number of factors that lack the relationship between Australia and Indonesia. One of the factors is the stereotype perception about Indonesia that it is not changed, still some thought as the military dominance, undemocratic, authoritarian, there exist terrorist and a culture that is unknown to Australia. The point is that this concept of stereotype is now obsolete and there in Indonesia there is a proper democratic transformation. There are various factors and issues that are arising over the last number of years, make it authoritative that they are trying to work as hard as they can to implement the policy making architecture, security cooperation and regional economic mechanisms that truly work. There has been seen three basic differences between the Indo Pacific and Asia Pacific, cooperation and dialogue, there is no platform for security that bring all together, another key platform of APEC which plays a significant role in trade facilitation, even if it has not complete the hopes and not lived that much excluding India; there is another platform or forum named as East Asia Summit for policy issues like economic, security and socio political also it excludes the countries like Russia and US. Australia indeed is hopeful and can meet the challenges in foreign policy, but still it needs to be quick and show more reflexes, because things happens, incidents occur, sometimes there have made a misjudgments, peace can be turned into the war, we can see that these things happened in the past and still can be happened again.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Unfair Drug Laws in America Essay -- Argumentative Drugs Marijuana Ess

The existing drug laws are very inefficient. This paper will focus on the people and the specific elements that are affected by the inefficiency of the drug laws. When looking at the drug laws at a glance a person might be lead to think that they would be very effective and they seem reasonable. While drug laws in themselves are necessarily wrong, some of the discrepancies in the laws make them unfair and take from the category of handing down justice and puts them into the category of cruel and unusual. First there will be an analysis of prohibition throughout American history, then an analysis of what the actual crimes and punishments are for a few of the drugs in the United States. Next there will be a look into who is affected by the laws and how. Finally, this paper will try to provide some kinds of solutions to the problems that are being caused with the drug laws. First the definition of a drug is any substance that has an effect on the mind and body except food, and the definition of a crime is an act or omission that is punishable or goes against a law. When crime is looked at in this sense it can be said that government is the cause of all crime because every crime that is committed has to go against a law that is passed by the government. In looking at the problems with the drug laws, a history of where the drug laws come from is necessary. In the first 140 years of the United States all drugs were legal. This means that if a person wanted to do any drug at any time that the person could do it without having to worry about any penalties. The actual first federal law that was passed was the Pure Food and Drug act of 1906. This law was did not even put a restriction on the drugs that were available. This ... ...s to be some other way to deal with the problem of drugs so why not try something new? There can be no guarantees that the something new will be the right thing but there has to be something that can be done that will affect the drug situation in a more positive way. Works Cited ( ( ( (

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Brief History of the Elderly Barriers

Mental ailment is a significant determinant giving rise to the disease burdens of the elderly people. While the elderly people do not seem to suffer from disproportionate share of most distinct mental ailment such as depression or schizophrenia they do have a much higher prevalence of dementing ailment like Alzheimer†s disease and are subjected to enhanced rates of interpersonal losses. Irrespective of substantial rates of morbidity the proportion of older people acknowledged to be incapacitated and those really receiving sufficient treatment is remarkably low than that of the younger age groups. Deficiency in the treatment of mental illness in the elderly emerge to be a considerable factor in the enhanced suicide rates among the elderly population along with the premature or unsuitable placement of elderly persons in nursing homes. The studies on mental ailment in the elderly people has been disregarded and deserted till very recently. Even with the attention that has been accorded to the prevalence of large number of patients with Alzheimer†s disease, funding for research in relation to the incidence and distressing nature of mental ailment in the elderly continues to be insufficient. Considerable impediments prevail for the elderly in accessing and utilizing mental health services. Community based prevention programs for older people supported by federal and state funds are limited. This is combined with the absence of institutionalized consultancy and treatment programs including medication goals set particularly for older mentally impaired people. (Mental Health Services: Reaching Out to the Elderly. Part One)) An analysis brought out in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society reveals that while the rates of diagnosis for depression for patients at an age of 65 and older was enhanced radically during the 1990s, considerable differentiations by age, ethnicity, and supplemental insurance coverage still continues in relation to the treatment for those diagnosed patients. The elderly people also perceive themselves to be more stigmatized about having a psychiatric diagnosis and taking medication for treatment. (Books, Articles and Research) Stereotypes related to people who belong to the elderly group and have mental illnesses may intervene with their successful health care delivery. The prospective therapies may not be organized, covered or medications supplied as a result of the prejudice that such persons cannot improve or do not have enough time left in their lives to improve. The elderly are regularly being diagnosed and provided psychoanalysis with disregard or negatively talked about when their health is narrated. Such stereotypes regularly flow into delusions about the professionals delivering their care in diagnosis or entailing medications or counseling. Stigma and ageism are two incidents that largely influence the real assessment of people who are elderly and have mental illnesses and finally their health care. (Books, Articles and Research) The coverage under Medicare is insufficient and serves to enhance the myth that mental illness in the elderly is both to be anticipated and not reactive to the treatment. (Mental Health and the Elderly Position Statement) There exists a large differentiation in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement between psychiatric care and medical care. This has discouraged many prospective psychiatrists, social workers and psychologists from having a career in geriatric mental health. (Overlooked and Underserved: Elders in Need of Mental Health Care) Another significant element in the lives of our elderly patients is that practically all of the elderly population are dealing with co-morbidities that may incorporate physical ill health along with mental illness and the settings that entail meticulous collaboration among patients, caregivers of the families and practitioners from a variety of health care disciplines. The reimbursement for services under such settings is awkward and is sometimes an impediment to best practices. Medicare imposes a 20 percent co-insurance rate on most outpatient services except for mental health services that necessitates 50 percent co-insurance rate. (Long-Term Care Financing: Blueprints for Reform- Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate) This unjust inclination in the system is considered to be the consequence and the cause for the persistent impediment to the stigma related to mental illness and is considered to be a major impediment for reaching care. Additionally, the distinction creates confusion and improper carrier reimbursement decisions like the continuing decisions by carriers to reimburse only 50 percent for medication management services in patients with Alzheimer†s disease and other dementias in contravention to the particular directives forwarded by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Long-Term Care Financing: Blueprints for Reform- Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate) A number of researches have revealed that when mental health services are seriously confined, the consequence is higher costs in terms of medication and over utilization of general medical visits. Elderly adults with the mental problems regularly seek health care services in primary care environments where the detection and management of this ailment condition may be less than optimal. (Mental Health and the Elderly Position Statement) The approach of the mental health professionals influences the service of care. Such personnel may demonstrate the same ageism and believe the same typecast about the elderly as those detected in the general population. They are inclined to misinterpret some problems as confronted by the elders in their normal course of ageing instead of the problems necessitating assistance. In addition to this younger, more articulate and more introspective clients may hold more appeal for many professionals. (Mental Health Services: Reaching Out to the Elderly. Part One)) Hence the elderly adults with mental ailments continue to be segregated in nursing homes and other separating environments even as other age groups have started to gain full membership in the community. (Books, Articles and Research) It has been visualized that in no other age group is the combination and interrelationship of physical, social and economic problems as important as that of the elderly. The elderly people continue to take for granted the ailments like sleep disturbances, changes in appetite and mood differences as physical problems. This trend is strengthened by the physicians who sometimes take such symptoms to be the out come of the aging process. The medical practice presently does not necessarily assign time for the detailed medical and social trend that would foster a more real diagnosis. The absence of such organized and complete health care has an adverse impact on all age groups in the United States. However, for elderly adults who appear to have multiple needs, such health systems are largely divided up and become a surprising source of patient confusion. Most elders remove from service emotions which are besieged by the long detentions and complex procedures. For administrators facing the budgetary limits, it has more often been that the elder population has been set aside on the plea that they are older enough to take advantage from the services. It would position to cause that a society that places such great significance on youth and the significance of looking young does not lend encouraging support to improve the mental health care for the geriatric population. Overlooked and Underserved: Elders in Need of Mental Health Care) To conclude, the accessibility to the suitable mental health services is at the center of entailing secular care to elderly Americans in the way that is most preferred by patients, their families and health care practitioners. (Long-Term Care Financing: Blueprints for Reform- Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate) A promising consumer and family movement through energetic advocacy are necessitated to defeat stigma and prevent discrimination against elderly people with mental illness. The reach to elderly mental health services can be developed immediately if we develop the abilities of primary care providers, public schools, the child welfare system and others to assist the elderly with mental health disorders looking for treatment. (Mental Health Gets Noticed) The prescribed drugs are necessary elements for treatment of a number of mental ailments and an outpatient prescribed drug assists along with a complete coverage of psychotropic medications and must be prioritized in the Congressional agenda. Other variations to the Medicare strategy which would be advantageous for geriatric patients with mental health needs are that it include extensive coverage of case management and care plan oversight, which are presently confined to patients who are being delivered with home care or hospice care; complete coverage of Medicare/Medicaid cost sharing for low income patients and revisions in reimbursement policies for services offered in assisted living facilities. Long-Term Care Financing: Blueprints for Reform- Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate) The serious confinements on Medicare reimbursement for mental health services are required to be avoided. The National Institute of Mental Health- NIMH is required to continue financial assistance at appropriate levels of devising the training programs in interdisciplinary mental health care for the elderly that incorporates the disciplines of medicine psychiatry, psychology, psychiatric nursing and clinical social work. Training programs are required to acknowledge that most mental health care takes place in the primary care environment. Instant expansion of the research programs is required to be funded by the NIMH and other agencies on the etiology and treatment of anxiety and depressive problems, paranoia, dementing problems and other behavioral problems which have profound impact on the elderly patients. (Mental Health and the Elderly Position Statement)

Friday, January 3, 2020

From World War II to the present, policies both foreign...

From World War II to the present, policies both foreign and domestic have reshaped and changed American culture and Identity. Several of the events that greatly shape and impacted policies in the United States are Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War and the September eleventh terrorist attack in 2001. The Civil Rights Movement has changed what life is like in America and has improved in a better way. Previous to the movement, many races were treated as inferior. Race riots broke out everywhere across America. The riots began when Roy Bryant and J.W. Miriam murdered a 14-year-old girl, Emmett till, on August 28, 1955. Both men were neither convicted of the crime they committed and it sparked a repercussion. There were many boycotts, sit†¦show more content†¦It changed the way American live today and on how we viewed the media, our government, and our Constitutional rights. In the fall of 1960, the UC Berkeley college students protested against the Vietnam War. Students felt it was not right that 76% of the men being drafted into the war were from the lower class and 11% were African American. Later, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is founded. It seeks to create a sustained community of educational and political concerns. More and more student’s protest happe ned across America. The worst of them all was the â€Å"Tet† Offensive, on January 30, 1968, 36 of 44 provincial capitals were attacked. People raided the U.S. embassy in Saigon. The Vietnam War’s controversially spurred a great many sources of protest against our government’s use of power, how far we could extend the rights of free expression, and primarily against the violence of the war. These changes in the behavior of the young generation in our society left a lasting mark on are country. It began to cause a generational drift with the younger and older generation. Protest at Kent State lead to four killed National Guard and it was only a matter of time before Johnson realized that some form of action needed to be taken place to end the Madness in the United States. American eventually came to a truce on January 27, 1973. The Vietnam War is the reason for the â€Å"drift† between generations. Kids started to rebel and itShow MoreRelatedHistory And Hi story : History1540 Words   |  7 PagesAmrozia Shahram History 1301. P09 Essay History is integral part of our lives and historians play an important role to preserve history. Historians are present in every society. They have been around probably throughout the history of humanity. Their work however has become more methodical and systematic now. Modern day historians spend a lot of time searching for the truth from various sources of past information. 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